activecampaign vs drip

ActiveCampaign vs Drip | Which Is Better for Emext Marketing?

If the term “emext marketing” doesn’t ring a bell for you, don’t worry. It’s a new digital marketing category class that we invented, and I’ll give you the full definition in a moment.

But first, allow me to answer which provider — ActiveCampaign vs Drip — is better. The decision was not an easy one. But ActiveCampaign won the battle for a couple of reasons you might not expect.

hand holding smartphone

What Is SMS Marketing? (Making Money with Text Messaging)

SMS marketing is the act of communicating with consumers through text messages on their mobile phones.

Businesses can use it to increase their profitability and growth.

As a digital marketer with over 17 years of experience, I can tell you that now is the perfect time to begin SMS marketing. Keep reading to learn why I feel so strongly.